Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The garden is...(trying to be zen about the whole thing)

The squash petered out around two weeks ago. I've been too busy to do anything about it so it just looks like the corn which is basically dead. When I get a chance I'm going to mulch it back into the ground.

The weeds (especially in dry, hard soil which summer sun makes pretty fast) are a pain. The grass is the worst because it doesn't hoe well. Because of the vegetables I don't want to spray so I purchased a propane torch (which is equally subtle) and burned some grass down. There are a lot of 'red flag' days (fire danger) so I'm reluctant to use it too much. Pressurized garden hose close by...weeds burned down pretty well but within a week new green shoots coming up. I haven't decided whether to go back in and blast again or not.

Pole beans were a disaster. Only a few plants grew, the ones that did I wish didn't. Never tried to eat such a tough bean before. Boiled it...chewey...blechhhh...

Can't remember if I posted about the corn. We only got two ears off of it. They were good but the market has good fresh corn during the summer so I probably won't plant next year which means of course I'll plant next year.

Herbs are wack. Don't know if I'm underwatering but they're pretty much all flowering except the sage. Cilantro is just a chore...doesn't produce edible leaves, just flowers and stalks. Weather has been around 90 degrees during the day and full sunlight. My recollection is that they do better in cooler, partial shade.

Lemon bush doesn't look good. Ants all over it. I said I would water more. I may need to water more still. The lemon and lime bushes are just hanging in there. The orange, mandarin and tangelo are doing better oddly enough. Those were the trees I had the most concerns about but they are doing the best. They get more shade (maybe less stressed?).

The beefstake tomatos started harvesting about a week and a half ago. The plant has grown so heavy it tipped the tomato cage from home depot over. I had to tie it back with two pieces of rope to two stakes pounded into the ground. Tomatos are good. Some look a little weird. Not all are large but are edible. Next year need to make a wooden trellis (strong) that will allow for easy picking. Heavy harvest has just started.

The cherry tomato plant is a pain. Lots of tomatos on the lower branches. The higher ones are tipping over the perimeter cage I set up. The cherry tomato plant on the fence is also growing well. Sometimes the tomatos are sweet, other times not so much. Lots of them, though.

The Roma tomatos are still green, no color yet. That plant is starting to tip over it's cage as well. Not sure if I'm going to need to stake it or not.

I'm tired...what else is new...

Forget bell pepper, chili and the spikey cucumber. Not much happened with them at all.

Wisteria in the planters are looking worse than when they were new. Need to water more.


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